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Ragnar Texas Recap!


Y'all may faintly remember that I did the Texas Ragnar; running from Batrop to Luckenbach with 11 other women in a single van.

Van trip down

We stayed the night in a roach-coach in Bastrop and while I slept like a log, 2 of the girls in our group did not sleep a second. Something about me having to kill roaches in the room really freaks some people out. That 4am wake up call came early.

Our start time was at 5:45am, but naturally we had to be there an hour before hand to get "prepped" and to hear the safety stuff. I was runner #2 *heh*, so I received the slap bracelet (baton) around 6:30am and took off on my first leg. 

Leg 1: 4.20 miles
Actual distance/time: 4.5 miles in 48 minutes (10:38 pace)

It was beautiful and now I wish I'd taken a few photos. I ran as the sun was coming up and through fields of wild flowers. There was mist covering the pastures and scenic bridges and cattle abounding. 
 I was fine with this because I started out running in the dark and had to stop a few times to make sure I didn't get run over!

Photo Op at the Finish Line!

Leg 2: 7.70 miles
Actual distance/time: 7.75 in 1:32 (11:55 pace)

So this was weird. My second leg was supposed to be close to 7 miles, like 6.9 or something, but on race day, it came up as 3.9. We verified with one of the on course directors and they confirmed the distance had been shortened. I switched this leg with another lady who did not want to run 7.7. This run I started at about 8:30pm in the evening and was by far my favorite leg. There were plenty of hills, but I finished the leg by running through downtown Gruene! Right past the dance hall and through the bars/party life of the city. Once again, I wish I had gotten photos, though at that point I was living in the moment and felt like I was flying! 

Leg 3: 3.4 miles
Actual distance/time: 3.51 in 42:33 (12:07 pace)

I started this leg in the dark around 6:30am and ended with another sunrise. This felt way harder than it should have, but getting no sleep and only eating crap will apparently hinder your running prowess.  This was along the side of a highway and it felt like it was ONE BIG HILL. I feel like I hardly ran at all during this leg. But let me tell you. Being done was a huge stinking accomplishment!!

I loved this race. It sounds like it would be difficult to be in such close proximity for so long, but honestly, it was a breeze. we had a great team and everyone got along well. 

The team took care of me and made sure I didn't over do it. They did an awesome job of setting me up for success by allowing me to have runs that were all in the dark, so as to not get over heated. I do wish I had been able to run harder but I know I did what was best for me and Cletus. 

My 2nd leg helped me feel like a real runner again and it proved to me that I CAN still cover distance, even if it's slow and I have to walk. My running abilities haven't been zapped forever.

All our medals placed together.

Now, I haven't run since this race and I'm okay with that. Going without sleep and minimal healthy food took a toll on me. I do plan on getting back out and running at some point and I'm not going to rush it.


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