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Lifetime Indoor Triathlon: Race Recap!



My very first triathlon was one of the Lifetime Fitness Indoor Tri series on Sunday. I specifically picked this race for a few reasons 1. Cheap (it was only $30!!) 2. Indoors (less gear and fumbling around) 3. Timed sections instead of distance (something unique).

The night before, Raz and I reviewed all the stuff I needed and I packed a bag with:
-a towel
-flip flops
-swim cap
-sports bra
-running spandex shorts
-running tank
-body glide
-Unicorn Snot
-Misc: since it's my work bag, there were probably a few crayons rolling around the bottom.

Getting ready to leave the house.

I got to the gym nearly an hour early and used that time to peak in at the different areas. There were several waves of people going and I was in wave 6, which means that some people were finishing up and some wouldn't start until later. I pinned my number on my tank and laid my stuff out in my locker. In the studio that was reserved for transitions, I put my water bottle (Lemon Tailwind) and my headphones in my place. I met a few women who encouraged me to join their running group while I was wandering around.

My next step was to sit in the pool and observe the wave ahead of mine. I wound up sitting next to a nice couple who was doing their first tri also. By the time I changed and got into the pool to warm up, I had met nearly everyone in my wave and they were all very nice, normal people! *strange*

The Swim: 10 Minutes
Goal: 400 meters
Reality: 15 lengths (15 x 25= 375 meters)

This was my first experience sharing a lane with another swimmer. It was weird, I didn't have enough room and neither did he. I allowed him to take the lead (because I am so gracious) and we mostly avoided running into each other. Things I observed in the swim!
1. Sh*t is bananas. Swimming with others is nearly a contact sport.
2. The waves from other swimmers makes it like swimming outdoors.
3. I'm pretty sure my form was not great; I felt like my underwater catch wasn't happening and my legs got tired IMMEDIATELY.

  It was crazy. I felt like I had never swam before. I don't know if it was adrenaline and I went out too fast, or the added pressure of being under time constraints. Who knows, but my swim certainly suffered.
Transition (T1): 10 minutes
We were given 10 minutes to make our way from the pool to the upstairs cycle studio. I hustled through the locker rooms and changed in a shower stall. Obvious lessons learned:
1. Trying to put clothes on while wet is not easy.
2. I'm going to have to start swimming in a sports bra because there is no way in heck I can get one on in a non vicious and disturbing way post swim.
3. Long hair... drip, drip, drip.

Using a small hand towel the club provided, I spent the majority of my transition time, trying to dry out my hair. I made it to the cycle studio with plenty of time to spare, but kept trying to dry my hair! There are few things worse than having irregular, cold drips of water run down your neck.

The Bike: 30 minutes
Goal: 10 miles
Reality: 9.3 miles

Spin bikes! How fun! Less to report here. The idea is you get on a cycle bike and go, go, go, for 30 minutes. I do wish I had pushed harder here since I was very close to my goal. It was hot as heck in the studio and I was dripping sweat (and cold water from my hair!) on the floor and down my arms. At one point I dropped my water bottle, but the monitor grabbed it for me.
Things I learned during the bike:
1. I do NOT push myself hard enough on the bike. Definitely need to practice more.
2. NEEEEEEED shorts with some kind of padding in them.

Transition (T2): 5 minutes
We were given 5 minutes to get from the bike to the treadmills. Honestly, it could have taken 30 seconds to get from point A to point B, but 5 minutes makes more sense I guess.

Always time for a selfie! (Post bike)

The Run: 20 minutes
Goal: 2 miles
Reality: 2.02 miles

The dreadmill! This was the easiest portion for me and my goal was to hit 2 miles in 20 minutes. I really should have pushed myself harder. The guy beside me was running sub 8's the whole time!! I did a little over 2 miles but was happy with it.

I don't even look winded after the run. Must try harder!

Well, I was the 11th female out of 40ish and I feel good about that. I'm surprised with how much I wish I had pushed harder, as usually I am okay being a solid mid-packer. It inspired me to push harder in my training and at my next race, which, at the moment is, undecided.

That evening we went out to the ranch and I played with my little nephew, V. A great day overall!
Baby V. Not so little anymore!


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