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Foam Roll for the Win


Yesterday I had planned to spend the majority of the day working on my CEU presentation. It entailed reviewing a few chapters in some textbooks, creating a more specific outline, and looking for articles online, even before I set down to create. Naturally that lasted a few hours before I decided it was time to get out of the house!

I'm ready for winter to be over- can you tell?

Raz hopped on the spin bike in my office and I went to the gym to use their pool. Thankfully it was much less crowded around 1pm! The goal was to do an easy 1000 because I signed up to do a spin class in the evening.

The reality= I felt more out of breath, faster. My legs were tired. I seemed to be plodding along. I finished it out, but could tell my body needs a break.

In the evening I did a 6:45pm spin class at a new place called CycleBar over off Bryant Irvan (near the new Whole Foods/REI). It was raining and everyone was already inside. Amy P. and her friends, who are sisters, came to spin too. None of us had been to this place so we weren't sure what to expect.

Wow. It was hard!!! I'm not sure if that's because I was already tired or what. They had a board up that showed you your ranking in the class, which was determined by how fast you were going and your settings. I stayed around the 8-10th out of about 22/25 people. The instructor did a great deal more arm work than I had encountered at Zyn22 and the workout itself seemed to be more HIIT. I was dripping sweat by the time it was over.

After a pow-wow in the rain, we decided that we actually liked the Zyn22 place better, but the CycleBar is cheaper/closer. Hmm...

I actually ate a decent dinner and tried to stay up a little longer to see if that would help me sleep better. Lights out by 10pm and naturally I woke up around 2a to let Thor out and then couldn't get back to sleep. I got up around 7:30am and feel like I got beat up!

Spoiled Thor

Today is going to be a yoga/stretching/foam rolling kind of day! My legs are super sore and my body is tired. It's a bit rainy, so that certainly doesn't motivate me to get out and do anything and my dogs are just so danged cute! I want to curl up and stay with them!!

Captain Jax


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