Okay so this is actually for yesterdays workout, I was too busy to write it up.
The plan was swimming but I didn't have a solid plan in mind, which is always risky. On my drive to the gym at dark and cold thirty in the morning, I decided to go for 800 meters, using only freestyle strokes to help increase my endurance.
I did 200 meters of the 800 warming up (!) with both freestyle and breastrokes pretty easily. The water felt good, my head felt clear.
I started to progress forward, telling myself it was only 600 meters, which is 'only' 12 lengths.
Things felt good, but my quads were tiring out quickly. My guess is that I'm kicking from the knee, which requires more quad usage, than kicking from the hip, which is more core/glute usage. This doesn't surprise me as I'm like everyone else in the world and very quad dominant in most exercises.
Anywhoo, when I hit 500 meters, I realized that every time I get to one of the pool ends, I stop, stand up, turn around and then go back. Not very smooth or seamless and probably killing a lot of time as it adds up. Natural next step- do one of those cool, underwater, forward-roll thingies the professionals do and kick off the wall! Brilliant!
Having zero idea how to do one, I basically rolled forward in the water and took approximately 5 gallons of water up my nose and into my sinuses. Brilliant!
Now, if you've never experienced this, let me educate you. It's hella painful. Like, My head felt a hundred times heavier, my sinuses above and below my eyes felt painful to the touch and very full. I had water coming out of everywhere and it took all I had to just stand up in the pool and try not to let the other swimmers see me decomp.
Holy. Crap. It took several minutes of me standing there to even be able to breathe normal. And of course I was pissed about it. I thought about ending my workout there, even though I 'only' had 300 meters left to go. I was suddenly tired, hurty and in a pissy mood. Great.
Finally I put my big girl floaties on and decided to swim very slowly to the other end. Once I got back into a rhythm I realized I wasn't ready to be done for the day.
All in all, I completed 1000 meters (heeeey!) and was in a much better mood when it was all said and done. My face still hurts (a full 24 hours later) and I'm super hopeful to NOT get a sinus infection.
We had our church christmas party last night and in true Jennie fashion, I couldn't figure out what to wear. Seriously, if it's dressier than jeans and a t-shirt, then I can't help you. I finally pulled out an earthy colored sweater dress (with pockets), black leggings, and my (cowgirl) boots. Threw my hair in a bun and ran out the door. In case you were wondering, I was likely the most comfortable person there! For a good while I helped distribute white whine and champaign to other guests, which means I got to talk to a lot of people. Namely, a lady who has already done a triathlon!
She said she was relatively underprepared for the swim but only spent 7 minutes in the water for 300 meters. That was eye opening! Makes me wonder how much effort I'm putting in for a 10 minute swim!
Overall, a really great day!
Okay so this is actually for yesterdays workout, I was too busy to write it up.
The plan was swimming but I didn't have a solid plan in mind, which is always risky. On my drive to the gym at dark and cold thirty in the morning, I decided to go for 800 meters, using only freestyle strokes to help increase my endurance.
I did 200 meters of the 800 warming up (!) with both freestyle and breastrokes pretty easily. The water felt good, my head felt clear.
I started to progress forward, telling myself it was only 600 meters, which is 'only' 12 lengths.
Things felt good, but my quads were tiring out quickly. My guess is that I'm kicking from the knee, which requires more quad usage, than kicking from the hip, which is more core/glute usage. This doesn't surprise me as I'm like everyone else in the world and very quad dominant in most exercises.
Anywhoo, when I hit 500 meters, I realized that every time I get to one of the pool ends, I stop, stand up, turn around and then go back. Not very smooth or seamless and probably killing a lot of time as it adds up. Natural next step- do one of those cool, underwater, forward-roll thingies the professionals do and kick off the wall! Brilliant!
Having zero idea how to do one, I basically rolled forward in the water and took approximately 5 gallons of water up my nose and into my sinuses. Brilliant!
Now, if you've never experienced this, let me educate you. It's hella painful. Like, My head felt a hundred times heavier, my sinuses above and below my eyes felt painful to the touch and very full. I had water coming out of everywhere and it took all I had to just stand up in the pool and try not to let the other swimmers see me decomp.
Holy. Crap. It took several minutes of me standing there to even be able to breathe normal. And of course I was pissed about it. I thought about ending my workout there, even though I 'only' had 300 meters left to go. I was suddenly tired, hurty and in a pissy mood. Great.
Finally I put my big girl floaties on and decided to swim very slowly to the other end. Once I got back into a rhythm I realized I wasn't ready to be done for the day.
All in all, I completed 1000 meters (heeeey!) and was in a much better mood when it was all said and done. My face still hurts (a full 24 hours later) and I'm super hopeful to NOT get a sinus infection.
We had our church christmas party last night and in true Jennie fashion, I couldn't figure out what to wear. Seriously, if it's dressier than jeans and a t-shirt, then I can't help you. I finally pulled out an earthy colored sweater dress (with pockets), black leggings, and my (cowgirl) boots. Threw my hair in a bun and ran out the door. In case you were wondering, I was likely the most comfortable person there! For a good while I helped distribute white whine and champaign to other guests, which means I got to talk to a lot of people. Namely, a lady who has already done a triathlon!
She said she was relatively underprepared for the swim but only spent 7 minutes in the water for 300 meters. That was eye opening! Makes me wonder how much effort I'm putting in for a 10 minute swim!
Overall, a really great day!
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