This weekend after a whisky drink or two, I pulled the trigger and signed up for a triathlon. I’ve been playing with the idea for a month or two now, primarily because I am starting to get burned out on running. Of course I couldn’t start small and do a Sprint, which tends to be around 300-700 meter swim, 9-15 mile bike ride and a 5k. Noooo, I decided to jump right in and signed up for what I thought was a ‘half distance’ tri. Well, technically, it is, but turns out, it’s really a 70.3 aka: half an ironman. Actually, I’m not sure if I can say it’s an Ironman...copyright infringement? Any whoodle, It’s a 1.2 mile open water swim, a 56 mile bike ride, and a 13.1 mile run. All in order.
11-7-16 Y'all, so yesterday I volunteered to help out at a 'Best of the Best' triathlon in Denton. I had no clue what I really signed up for, but true to form the race director (RD), Jeff, was super nice. I've found that to be relatively consistent across sports. I told him I had just signed up for my first try and wanted to observe how things went so I could better understand what I was getting myself into! I left the house around 6:30am and got there about 7:30. The parking lot was pretty empty since the race didn't start until 9:30am. What was cool is that the few people who were already in the lot had their music blasting and seemed to be having a great time! I met Jeff in person and he directed me over to the transition area. Turns out, there were only about 6 volunteers total! *Lesson Learned: Races may be understaffed- do your best to know the rules before starting* My first endeavor as a tri volunteer would be as a 'body marker'. which means ...
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